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Beauty Explained

What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid

What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid

There is nothing about being an entrepreneur that screams rainbows and unicorns. There are many more bad days than good, but honestly, the good ones make up for the bad. When I get super frustrated I always think, Who the Hell Moved my Damn Cheese.  Then after the sulking is over I think, What would I do if I wasn't afraid.
2014 is about You

2014 is about You

Sometimes you need to give yourself a pep talk.

Fight the Fight until you Can't - Then Get up - and Fight Again

Fight the Fight until you Can't - Then Get up - and Fight Again

Fight the fight until you can't - and then get up and fight again.  I wrote this when I needed a pep talk .... a really big pep talk.   I thought... well, if it ends well I will finish and publish it and if not, well hey, I won't...

Fight the fight is probably not the speech you want to tell your children as we are all raised to play nice in the sandbox.  However, this is exactly the line you are supposed to tell an #entrepreneur. Sometimes being an #entrepreneur is like being a bozo punching bag. Not sure if you grasp the analogy but years ago this was an inflatable toy with a sand filled bottom.  Every time you punched Bozo (regardless of how hard) he bounced right back up.


Another Incredible Encounter

Another Incredible Encounter

I swear - there is a path - and when you are on the right path, every time it looks like the pavers end - all of a sudden the path continues.

Darkest before the dawn

Darkest before the dawn

I have said from the beginning.  You take a superior product and you build a company around it.  You partner with the biggest and the smartest.  Because your biggest risk isn't failure it's incredible success.  Finally, it takes you years to build a career or brand and a second to lose it.  So don't cut costs where it can effect the consumer.
Entrepreneurial 911

Entrepreneurial 911

The hardest part about being an entrepreneur is making the decisions all by yourself.  The smartest thing you can do is ask for help.  I'm not beyond asking people for advise on how to resolve certain problems.
Game Theory in Business and Myers-Briggs

Game Theory in Business and Myers-Briggs

This goes beyond know your audience - this is about understanding 1) what this person's drivers are 2) how they receive and process information 3) how they come to conclusions and 4) how you can guide them to the goal you seek. It is game theory with whomever is sitting across the table from you but you've now advanced your odds.
To Be an Entrepreneur you must have Two Feet In

To Be an Entrepreneur you must have Two Feet In

"Everyone can access parts of themselves that are great.  I'm just a girl from New York City who decided to do this, after all.  Rule the world!  What's life worth living if you don't rule it?" Lady Gaga



Cosmetic Chemistry is as much an art as it is a science - to use the right amount of emulsion to get the perfect viscosity or fluidity is absolutely a defining factor for the consumer.  Perfect viscosity is key to how the product moves through the component and more importantly how it feels when applied to the face.  
I want to be a Technology Geek

I want to be a Technology Geek

Today, businesses are still trying to assess how they monetize social media and tie it to incremental revenues. This is like trying to assess the revenues you get from philanthropy. In the end, you really don't know what it was that drew the customer in, and frankly it could have been one or many different pulls. But if it's the right thing to do, you're supposed to do it. Eventually, the smart companies will realize that this is the way to do business and you either adapt or you fold. Based on this, one would expect yet another industrial revolution, due to the advancement of technology, in the next five years.

Wow, that sounded truly geeky - maybe I will catch up

Starting Earlier so I can Adapt as Needed

Starting Earlier so I can Adapt as Needed

The goal of the prelaunch is to get feedback.  We will give away thousands of samples for people to try and all we will ask for is feedback.  The bloggers and textbooks refer to it as innovating.  But for me it just makes logical sense, the customers should be the ones to tell you what they really like and want.

Oh, the People You'll Meet

Oh, the People You'll Meet

The people who have come into my life along this path of entrepreneurship have been nothing short of a miracle. How I found the lawyers and then the scientists were shocking to say the least.