2014 is about You
Sometimes you need to give yourself a pep talk. Not the tough love get your act together pep talk. Rather the one that coaches give their team at half time - to really fire them up. Positive reinforcement begets positive results. With it being the New Year, it's a good time to remind yourself that you need to take care of yourself - not in a selfish way - but in a supportive way. I realized today I needed to take my own advice and to do so, I needed to remind myself of all that I have done:
Dear Jill:
1. You were the first person in your family to go to college.
2. You applied two months after the deadline for Georgetown and somehow you were accepted.
3. You essentially put yourself through college. While working at one of the top law firms in the country, you were published in a report that went to Congress.
3. With an undergraduate degree in English, you somehow were offered a position on Wall Street at a level where everyone else had MBA's.
4. You built businesses and were the youngest SVP at the firm.
5. Somehow you were able to do this and have two wonderful children.
6. Because of this, no-one really knew how old you were.
7. You made some wonderful friends and earned the respect of some incredibly brilliant minds.
8. Then you decided to do something completely new and you created products and launched a company.
You're doing great. Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see what you do next!
love, Jill