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Beauty Explained

#MaskMonday: Milk and Banana For Glowing Skin

#MaskMonday: Milk and Banana For Glowing Skin

Our skin felt firmer and definitely refreshed. If you've had a rough day or week find the time to try the Milk & Banana Facial Mask - Something about it left not only our skin feeling great but our moods became more relaxed as well!

#MaskMonday: Strawberry and Yogurt Facial Mask

#MaskMonday: Strawberry and Yogurt Facial Mask

Once fresh and clean our skin felt rejuvenated. Ultimately we wont know how well this mask works as a prevention for acne but it's a great mask if you have oily skin - it really leaves your skin feeling clean!
#MaskMonday: Oatmeal and Yogurt Facial Mask

#MaskMonday: Oatmeal and Yogurt Facial Mask

We rinsed our faces with warm water but found that our skin didn’t feel like the mask had completely rinsed off - We then rinsed our faces again, but this time with a little soap - When we were done we gently dried our skin with a towel. We immediately noticed that our skin was softer and felt more nourished & moisturized!

#MaskMonday: Honey Facial Mask

#MaskMonday: Honey Facial Mask

Results of our honey #MaskMonday - we loved it - it's inexpensive and super easy to apply and remove. Honey is both a humectant - in that it draws and binds water from the air into your skin - and it has antibacterial properties.


New Industry Warnings on Spray Tans

New Industry Warnings on Spray Tans

The take away is if you are going to use a spray tan you should follow the recommended procedures as outlined by the FDA:  protect eyes, ears, nose and mouth - and DO NOT INHALE the fumes.  As a side note, you should not be inhaling fumes generally, this goes for spray-on suntan lotion as well - yes it is more convenient - but if you shouldn't eat it - you shouldn't breath it.....

Quick and Easy Beauty Tips for Better Skin

Quick and Easy Beauty Tips for Better Skin

You are what you eat; plus your personal chemistry; plus your environment. And because of this, there are things you can alter in your diet and lifestyle to help avoid the breakouts.