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An Inside Look at Manufacturing

Last Monday and Friday were the 3rd and 4th happiest days of my life as I watched the first products of Scalisi Skincare come off the manufacturing line.   I'm not going to lie - I could not contain how excited I was - when the head of Quality Control wasn't looking I literally started jumping up and down. The grin didn't leave my face all week - and I think the excitement was contagious because when I returned on Friday more people wanted to meet me and hear my story.


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I had no idea what to expect in a manufacturing facility - the only thing I could think of was when Laverne put the glove on the bottle and when Lucille Ball couldn't eat the chocolates fast enough.  You may scoff at the references but you would be surprised at how much is still done by hand when it comes to cosmetics.

The production line consists of a machine filler and the process is meticulous to make sure there is no contamination.  The product is tested twice before it reaches the line (a Micro Challenge is done on the original formula and then each batch is individually tested to make sure it meets the standards prior to production)  then a random sample of the finished product is sent to the lab to be tested again - to ensure there has been no contamination.

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Once the product is filled it goes down a 6 inch conveyor belt.  Then a production line of about 15 women wearing hair nets and delicate white gloves start to assemble the product. 

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would watch my purple bottles go down an assembly line while some of the largest brands in the industry were being assembled 10 feet away.  It had been 3 very long years in the making and all I wanted to do was say thank you, so that's what I did.  I met everyone I possibly could, I introduced myself and said this was a huge day for me and thank you so much; and for the women who were on the other side of the line I smiled and said thank you.  They all understood.   As I watched the line progress I saw they took as much pride in their work as I did in mine.  If a bottle didn't look perfect, they pulled it.  If a box was bent, they pulled it.  If the cello was wrinkled, they redid it.  I was there because I spent years creating this product and I wanted the finished goods to reflect that - but I was in better hands than I could have imagined.

Read more: Bottle Options and Supply Chain Management

On Monday I was so over whelmed all I could do was smile; by Friday I kept thinking about how thankful I was for all the people that had helped me get there that I started to tear up.  I have ended up places where I swear I had no idea how I got there....Georgetown to start .... then Wall Street.... and now in a manufacturing facility where my name was on every product.

The first two happiest days of my life were the days my children were born.  It isn't a cliche....I remember both times thinking how incredibly thankful and lucky I was that I had done something that seemed completely impossible.

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