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FDA Regulation of Marketing Claims and Testing

The FDA released a white paper on Friday regarding regulating the safety and marketing statements of cosmetic products. You can read it here: http://www.fda.gov/Cosmetics/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/GuidanceDocuments/ucm300886.htm?source=govdelivery

Our response is the same as when they regulated sunscreen - we welcome it.  Currently, companies both big and small are making the most outrageous statements and they are largely going unchecked.

Read more: The Myth of Parabens

As it relates to safety:  Here is an example I saw on Sunday at the International Beauty Show at the Javits Center in NY.  A company was literally making a moisturizer by adding ingredients to a kitchen aid blender and then putting it in a jar.  Any preservatives?  Nope au natural.  Labeling - eh whatever, details....   Disgusting, not safe and yes should be illegal.

Currently, the regulation is:  "It is the responsibility of the manufacturer of a cosmetic product to ensure that the product is not misbranded or adulterated.  Although the FD&C Act does not require the approval of FDA prior to marketing a cosmetic product, manufacturers or distributors should have obtained all data and information needed to substantiate the safety of the product before marketing."

Read more: FDA Regulation Means an Even Playing Field

However, from my experience, 'self regulated' industries are not the ideal situation.

Initial thoughts on this - it should give clearer definition as to the requirements and guidelines for testing.  I believe our testing standards are at the highest level possible and once the new regulations are in place we will then retest at the new requirements as necessary.

We would be interested in your thoughts.  Please send us a note.


1 comment

  • I hope all companies will adhere to the new guidelines and regulations once they are finalized.

    Dorothy Keville

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